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Case Study 2:

Mining Camp Water Supply Disinfection

Teck Cominco, Mining Company via Pernatty Station, South Australia.


The camp had an average occupancy of 35 people resulting in an average daily requirement of 7000 litres of water.

This water was supplied from a nearby dam and requires filtration, disinfection and a small quantity treated by reverse osmosis for drinking. The method of disinfection in these type of applications has historically been by the addition of a metered dose of chlorine. An alternative to chlorine was attractive due to the remote location and difficulty in transporting chlorine to the site… READ MORE


Case Study 3:

Cooling Tower Disinfection

Adelaide, South Australia.


The air conditioning system for the building relies upon three cooling towers each independently supplying cooling water to three chillers. This water requires microbiological treatment to comply with Australian standards and this treatment has historically been by the use of a chemical biocide being dosed by a timer controlled dosing pump. This technique of chemical dosing has resulted in varying degrees of effectiveness due primarily to the requirement of manually checking that chemical is available (ensure that the container is not empty or the pump line blocked), the potential for bacteria to develop a tolerance to the biocide and the potential for bio-film build up in the water circuit… READ MORE


Case Study 4:

Warm Water System Disinfection

Warm Water Loops in Aged Care and Institutional Facilities.


Warm water systems circulate water throughout a building at temperatures that will not cause scalding or injury to people. This temperature is too low to effectively control bacteria and viruses that can proliferate and circulate throughout the building potentially exposing people to illness. This is particularly relevant in showers as aerosols produced in a shower can readily expose people to these pathogens. The installation of an in-line Hydro-dis® system disinfects the water and produces a chlorine residual rendering the water safe from bacteria and viruses… READ MORE


Case Study 5:

Potable Water Disinfection Trial

Drinking Water Re-chlorination project Babakin Western Australia.


In January 2007 the Western Australian Water Corporation undertook to trial the Hydro-dis® technology to determine its suitability for the re-chlorination of potable water being supplied to the small remote community of Babakin in the Goldfields and Agricultural Region of WA.


The trial commenced with extensive laboratory testing of the Gen1 system with the test taking approx. 6 months to complete. This testing determined that it performed as required meeting all the performance criteria targets and was ready for field testing. The township of Babakin was chosen as it was historically one of the most difficult sites to maintain water chlorination levels… READ MORE

"The Water Corporation of Western Australia has been using the Hydro-dis® prototype for about nine years at a small town. This location in the past was very difficult to maintain a chlorine residual by normal means, but with the introduction of the Hydro-dis® into the system the chlorine residuals have been maintained easily and cost effectively since. The Hydro-dis® has proven to be a very simple package for cost effective water treatment with low maintenance input."


David Hatch
Operations Engineering/Electrical Consultant, Goldfields & Agricultural Region Water Corporation

Case Study 6:
Iron & Manganese Removal From Bore Water Trial

The use of Hydro-dis® technology to improve the removal of Iron and Manganese from Source Water for Potable Applications Horricks Western Australia.


The Water Corporation was having significant problems with the quality and amenity of water being supplied to a number of regional communities in the mid west region due to the high levels of Iron and Manganese in the source water.

In November 2015 the Western Australian Water Corporation undertook to trial with the Hydro-dis® technology to determine if the technology was able to improve the removal of Iron and Manganese from bore water as part of the pre-treatment process… READ MORE


Case Study 6:
Iron & Manganese Removal From Bore Water Trial

The use of Hydro-dis® technology to improve the removal of Iron and Manganese from Source Water for Potable Applications Horrocks Western Australia.


The Water Corporation was having significant problems with the quality and amenity of water being supplied to a number of regional communities in the mid west region due to the high levels of Iron and Manganese in the source water.

In November 2017 the Western Australian Water Corporation undertook to trial with the Hydro-dis® technology to determine if the technology was able to improve the removal of Iron and Manganese from bore water as part of the pre-treatment process… READ MORE


Case Study 7:

Waste Water Disinfection Trial

Disinfection of Treated Wastewater – Aerobic Treatment Systems


Aerobic Sewage Treatment Plants (ASTP) process sewage to Class A standard re-use water. This water when discharged is able to be used for car washing, toilet flush water, unrestricted irrigation including above ground sprinkler irrigation, unrestricted dust suppression and domestic garden watering. To enable this, the discharged water must contain less than 10cfu/100mL (colony forming unit per mL) for thermo-tolerant (E-coli) bacteria. This disinfection is typically carried out by passing the treated water over calcium hypochlorite tablets and into a detention tank prior to batch discharge… READ MORE


Case Study 8:

Demonstration Unit India

Hydro-dis® (International) Ltd Partnership with the Rajasthan Centre of Excellence in Water and Resource Management


Hydro-dis® (International) Ltd in partnership with Rajasthan Centre of Excellence in Water and Resource Management (RaCEWaRM) and the South
Australian based International Centre of Excellence in Water and Resource Management (ICEWaRM) has been working to bring the Hydro-dis® technology to India.… READ MORE

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Case Study 9:

Wastewater Disinfection Trial

Disinfection of Treated Wastewater – Koonibba WWTP


The remote aboriginal community at Koonibba near Ceduna in SA processes sewage to Class A standard re-use water. This water when discharged is used for irrigation of the local sports oval and surrounds. To enable this, the discharged water must contain less than 10cfu/100mL (colony forming units per 100mL) for thermo-tolerant (E-coli) bacteria. This disinfection was previously carried out by..… READ MORE

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Case Study 10:

Chemical Free Disinfection and Chlorination

In-situ Chemical free Chlorination


The Hydro-dis® dual disinfection treatment process allows an integrated design into small domestic single tap applications where the water supply has the potential to be contaminated with bacteria and viruses. This unit guarantees safe drinking water without the need for boiling or other treatment methods..… READ MORE


Case Study 1:
Wholesale Nursery Reclaimed Water Treatment Trial

South Australia


One of Adelaide’s largest wholesale nurseries uses reclaimed storm and irrigation run-off water for the nursery. The water is collected and stored prior to re-use as required.


To comply with nursery industry standards, any reclaimed water must be treated prior to use within the nursery to ensure the destruction of moulds, fungi, foreign seeds and spores and other potential contaminants. This has been traditionally undertaken by UV treatment of the filtered water or by the addition of a minimum of 2 ppm of chlorine or in some cases... READ MORE

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3/35 Jacobsen Crescent,
Holden Hill, SA 5088


International Phone: +61 8 8367 7125

Phone: 1300 794 987
Mark Carey: +61 400 636 227


© 2022 by Hydro-dis

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