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The Hydro-dis® for Domestic Purposes is known as:
WAHE: Water for Health Water Purifier
In partnership with our India Distributor InNow Pvt Ltd We have developed an integrated filter and disinfection system which utilises the Hydro-dis® technology.
The system utilises a Hydro-dis® Mini Cell to disinfect the filtered water to meet both Industrial and Domestic needs. It is loved by all the families where the source of water has TDS less than 700 and needs pre filtration and disinfection before drinking. For more information on the application and end use, please feel free to contact.
For Institutions we have following models:
i50L: Flowrate of 50 Ltrs per hour
i100L: Flowrate of 100 Ltrs per hour
i200L: Flowrate of 200 Ltrs per hour

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